Paige Sommerfeldt was born on September 19, 2010. She came on her due date! She was 8 lbs 12 oz and was 22 inches long! I went into labor at about 1 AM and stayed at home and waited to see if it was for real. The two previous nights I started contractions at about the same time but by 8 AM they were gone. So by the time I realized that it was for real I was pretty far along. We got to the hospital at 7:15 and she was born at 7:42 AM. It went really well.
I took hypnobirthing classes and it helped a ton. It was a really good experience. It was a dream delivery. I recovered even faster than I did with Claire. And now after 2 1/2 months I finally feel like we have a schedule and I'm able to manage 2 kids.
I had a lot of help the first month after Paige was born. My mom came right after, then Kevin got a week off, then my sister Elena came for a few days, then Kevin took another week off, then Kevin's mom came for a week. And we've had lots of visitors since. Kevin's brother Bruce came, and then my Dad was able to come, and then Kevin's sister Michelle came for my birthday. And starting January Kevin's borther Bruce and his family are coming to live with us for an internship until March.
Here are a few pictures of the adorable Piggy Paige. We call her Piggy because when she cries she snorts. It's really sweet. She is super adorable and a great baby.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Piggy Paige
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 7:14 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
From 3 to 4!
We are having another baby girl! She is expected to arrive on September 19th. We are super excited, especially now that I have been feeling better;) Claire is really excited too. She wants the baby to "come out." She is very proud of her big sister status, and loves to hold babies and help change their diapers. We went to help my sister, Elena, for a few days after she had her baby and Claire wanted to "help Elena too". She was very concerned that he had his binky and "blanky" at all times.
Sorry for no pictures, the only pics I have of recent events are on my phone and I'm still working out how to get them from phone to computer.
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 1:44 PM 6 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
We hope your year has been a happy one. We have enjoyed starting the journey called life as we have settled here in Texas. This has been a busy year as both Kevin and Laurel graduated from BYU in April and moved to Houston, Texas.
KEVIN has kept busy working for the accounting firm Ernst & Young and has enjoyed the different work opportunities. He was recently called as the assistant clerk over finances in the ward. He loves to play with Claire and is constantly trying to keep up with Laurel’s long list of honey-dos.
LAUREL has been busy painting walls, cabinets, wall trim, picture frames, and anything she can get her hands on while taking care of an active 2 year old. It’s been great making new friends in the ward and she enjoys serving as the new Relief Society Meeting (Enrichment) Leader.
CLAIRE loves taking care of her baby dolls, singing songs, drawing, painting her nails, and prancing around the house in mom’s high heels. She is learning so much so fast and we love every minute of it.
We have felt so blessed this past year and are grateful for this season when we can reflect on our Savior and the reason for the season. We love you and hope you have a great holiday and new year!
love, the Sommerfeldt family
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 2:53 PM 6 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dresses for Claire
Claire loves Cinderella, it is the only disney movie she will sit and watch for the whole thing. We have 2 princess birthday parties this week.Happy Birthday to Marissa today! (that purse goes with the black and white dress)
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 8:10 AM 5 comments
We're here!
It has been a little while since I've posted anything, not because we haven't been doing anything, just the opposite in fact. We've moved into our home and the longer we are here the more we love it! Before our stuff even got here, my sister Elena helped me clean everything! We tore out wallpaper, scrubbed tile, and fought off Texas bugs. When we moved in we had so much help. 12 men from our ward came to move everything inside, the truck was unloaded from start to finish in 30 minutes! It was incredible! Gordon, Evan and Angeli and their family came to help us unload boxes and get things organized. Everyone was such a great help to us.
There are a lot of gaps, but this is what I had pictures of on this camera. Watch in the upcoming days for before and afters!
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 6:48 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Home Sweet Home
I know it has been a while since I've posted, living in transition messes with my groove, but I couldn't wait for me to catch up because we have some exciting news! We finally found a place to call home! After over a year of looking at homes in the greater Houston area we are so excited to have found the one for us! We love the area and the ward and feel so blessed that we were able to find a house there. Hold your breath and cross your fingers, because with our luck everything might get all mixed up, but as of right now we are under contract! Here are the pictures of the house (I know there's a lot missing, but these are the ones from online, I forgot to take my camera when we went through). It needs a little cosmetic work, which is exactly what we wanted, a place we can make our own. Any first-time homeowner advice for inspection and all that stuff would be much appreciated!
It is a 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath. I am excited to be able to have my very own studio just for painting/drawing/sewing/crafting! With a door that can be closed to leave it all out of the reach of little fingers!
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 11:45 AM 5 comments
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Like Father like Daughter
A few days ago we were eating chocolate chip cookies, and of course Claire got chocolate on her face, but then I saw Kevin...he too had chocolate on his face. Well, I guess we know where Claire gets it from!
Posted by The Sommerfeldt Family at 10:23 AM 6 comments