Thursday, October 22, 2009

We're here!

It has been a little while since I've posted anything, not because we haven't been doing anything, just the opposite in fact. We've moved into our home and the longer we are here the more we love it! Before our stuff even got here, my sister Elena helped me clean everything! We tore out wallpaper, scrubbed tile, and fought off Texas bugs. When we moved in we had so much help. 12 men from our ward came to move everything inside, the truck was unloaded from start to finish in 30 minutes! It was incredible! Gordon, Evan and Angeli and their family came to help us unload boxes and get things organized. Everyone was such a great help to us.

Last weekend we got to have my little sister, Alicia, come to visit us. It was so good to see her, we miss having her a mile away in Provo. She was a big help when she came, we started tackling the kitchen cabinets, once a white washed pine color are now a rich chocolate brown. We painted them and I plan to glaze over them to give them depth. Claire loved seeing her aunt again! (she was tired when we took this pic)

It's amazing how quickly a 2 year old can find unattended makeup!

There are a lot of gaps, but this is what I had pictures of on this camera. Watch in the upcoming days for before and afters!


Mike & Alicia Sly said...

Yay!! You finally posted something! I want to see the finished product of the cabinets! Also, I love the pictures of Claire and her dresses! You are amazing! They turned out really cute!

P.S. you should take the picture down of Claire and I. Claire looks adorable but I look disgusting. Haha

Lenice said...

Claire is so big. What a cutie. I want to see your cabinets!